Daniel Louis

change 2
i did this song with my own vox singing it vox clips from styx sweet madam blue never posted it and a word from life as we know it

Plastic World

I can Stay

Shadows On The Wall
I sang off key a few times - slight quiver, this was on purpose, an old Bowie thing so yes i wanted it this way Drums by pads fingers as norm

the dreamer
open song in 70-80;s when played out wild efx x live version crowd please-er. I posted a different version may 21 the others vox issues. more level vox

Bagdad still has stars


Stuck In Reno
song 3 from LP 6 -WIP -all cinematic, love this style, Hanz zimmer big influence last cenimatic lp posted Movie Scoures To UN-seen Movies, this is like volume 2 maybe will be-OH this is a true story me and my wife years ago, stuck in reno-

trance all night


life as we know

I never knew how hard it be
First song off new LP I post them as I do them Title-WIP doing 2 lps HEAD PHONE MIX