Daniel Louis

Picture for song 'sticky notes' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

sticky notes

I wanted to post one last vocal song to end 2024-2025 looking good


Picture for song 'Isle of Man' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

Isle of Man

Celtic came over me, my sampler does some nice stings

Beats with Hooks

Picture for song 'change 2' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

change 2

i did this song with my own vox singing it vox clips from styx sweet madam blue never posted it and a word from life as we know it


Picture for song 'Plastic World' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

Plastic World


Picture for song 'tales of grandure' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

tales of grandure

The title Track of new LP in the works-epic in someways

Other Alternative

Picture for song 'When all has been said' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

When all has been said

song 6 off new LP WIP

Other Alternative

Picture for song 'You will become' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

You will become

song 5 of new lp


Picture for song 'I can Stay' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

I can Stay


Picture for song 'get out -the night of sorrow' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

get out -the night of sorrow

song 7 off wip lp

#26 in Emo

Picture for song 'Shadows On The Wall' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

Shadows On The Wall

I sang off key a few times - slight quiver, this was on purpose, an old Bowie thing so yes i wanted it this way Drums by pads fingers as norm


Picture for song 'the dreamer' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

the dreamer

open song in 70-80;s when played out wild efx x live version crowd please-er. I posted a different version may 21 the others vox issues. more level vox

Psychedelic Rock

Picture for song 'Bagdad still has stars' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

Bagdad still has stars

World Fusion

Picture for song 'CHURCH' by artist 'Daniel Louis'
Picture for song 'Stuck In Reno' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

Stuck In Reno

song 3 from LP 6 -WIP -all cinematic, love this style, Hanz zimmer big influence last cenimatic lp posted Movie Scoures To UN-seen Movies, this is like volume 2 maybe will be-OH this is a true story me and my wife years ago, stuck in reno-

#33 in Symphonic

Picture for song 'ZIDON' by artist 'Daniel Louis'


wamted to do another epic cinematic sounds full, epic


Picture for song 'hesitancy' by artist 'Daniel Louis'




Picture for song 'trance all night' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

trance all night


Picture for song 'COMFORT ZONE' by artist 'Daniel Louis'



Picture for song 'life as we know' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

life as we know

#39 in Alt Power Pop

Picture for song 'I never knew how hard it be' by artist 'Daniel Louis'

I never knew how hard it be

First song off new LP I post them as I do them Title-WIP doing 2 lps HEAD PHONE MIX

#47 in IDM