Daniel Louis

Yermo, CA  USA
June 25, 2022
10,445 plays
42+ years doing music. Song writer, singer, producer, composer played in many bands in the 80's-90's, in the smallest state in the union R.I. also MA ST Music ministry many years. played some big outdoor Christian concerts I miss those days Being married 44 years has changed my life, my wife serious ill, changed my music and lyrics, for the better
Band/artist history
Obsses with music, drive strong-just never giving up all these years
Have you performed in front of an audience?
thousands, hundreds, 100, 25, even 4 lol anytime any where, point me to an instrument,
Your musical influences
Petra-White heart -Hans Zimmer- Dallas Holm, 4Him, Ray Boltz, Scott Wesley Brown
What equipment do you use?
daw, plug ins, novation midi controller- samplers, Audio Technica studio head phones 2 interfaces audio presonus 96 audio box-use daily cheap great Behringer U-Phoria UM2 that's it folks-you make record music with so little now days
Anything else?
There are so many good musicians out in the world, we lit have so many recording ,the market is flooded it is now all joy, fun and oh well, no Grammy
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